Here are the results of my students

Nik was able to unlock his screaming voice in just 26 days!

 Josh unlocked his scream in 30 days using the compression exercises found in scream academy!

 Ebe was able to unlock his false cord scream and drastically improve his fry scream!

Erold used to think that only people of a certain ethnicity could scream. Now he's broken through his mental barriers and can scream like a badass!

 Nedal has unlocked his scream with scream academy and now has gained the courage to try clean vocals!

 Johnny unlocked his scream and can now hang with the BEST vocalists in his scene!

Thomas unlocked scream with scream academy and can do the ultra advanced "whistle fry screams"

 Matthew unlocked his scream in 3 months!

 Gavin was able to finally nail his pig squeal and his false cords!

 Kaleigh unlocked her scream in a week and uses screaming as a way of relaxing and
clearing her mind.

 Kougar unlocked his scream in 4 months and has gained the confidence to attack other areas of his life!

 Pandora unlocked his scream in a week and now enjoys combining screams with poetry!

"I CANNOT recommend Scream Academy Enough."

-Sam Kohl - Student Of Scream Academy

"'As someone who always believed that not everyone can scream, I'm SO glad that Scream Academy has proved me wrong!"

Karan - Bloodywood /Student of Scream Academy "

"A month later, I can scream!"


 Paul unlocked his scream in two weeks and has scared his opera teacher with his newfound talent!

Ernst unlocked his scream in 4 weeks and was able to get a girl's number with it!

Marcos unlocked his scream in 5 weeks and has recently joined his first band!

JC was able to unlock his scream with Scream Academy!

Michael Browder Unlocked his scream and was able to start a band!

Phillip spent ten years wanting to learn how to scream and finally was able to do it using Scream Acadey!

Anthony already knew how to do false cord screams but used Scream Academy to finally unlock his fry scream!

Victorya learned how to scream within 2-3 weeks and was able to join a band and play awesome shows!

Nicholas unlocked his fry scream and now feels confidence with his voice!

Tommy used Scream Academy to refine his existing scream and gain confidence in his vocals!

Theodore used Scream Academy to unlock his False Cord Scream and is eager to improve upon it!

Fabio used Scream Academy to improve his vocals and launch his band!

Petri Used Scream Academy to unlock his fry scream!

Jake Used Scream Academy to unlock his fry scream!

Max Used Scream Academy to finally unlock his false cord scream!

Tyler previously gave up on his musical dreams but has since unlocked his scream and has a reignited passion for music!

Since unlocking his scream with Scream Academy, Hugo has now applied the same work ethic to other areas of his life!

Alvin previously screamed in a band but wrecked his voice and never got the sound he wanted. He's since unlocked his scream and can make brutal sounds safely!
Camron struggled to find his false cords for years but after a month of my coaching, he was able to flawlessly false cord scream!
Lara K. wanted to scream for over 15 years and was finally able to do so using my methods. Since then she's gained confidence in herself!
Adam H. unlocked his screams after working with me. Now he's making metal covers on youtube!
Shawn spent almost a year working with another vocal coach to unlock his scream but had no success. After working with me, he was able to unlock his scream within 1-2 months!
BEFORE AND AFTER - Dan R. went through several other screaming coaches but was unable to unlock his scream. After using my methods he unlocked his scream in 1-2 weeks! 
Who says that girls can't fry scream? Layla already knew how to false cord scream but was able to unlock her fry scream within one month!
Jericho also went through several other vocal coaches but couldn't unlock his scream until we worked together.
Josh Y. suffered from extremely whispery screams. After working together to fix the problem, he's now
in two bands!
Keith has always wanted to mix RnB with metal but never had the ability to scream. After unlocking his scream with me, he can now achieve his goal!
Made V. would write instrumentals but never had the screams to complete it. After working with me to unlock his screams he's made an entire EP!
Mike has always been a fan of metal but after unlocking his scream with me, he's now recording covers!
Ramon finally unlocked his screams using my methods!

After unlocking his screams with my program, Ronald now screams in his car to relieve stress!
Shelby looked up screaming resources but could never unlock her scream... Until she enrolled in my screaming Program!
Simone unlocked his screams using my methods and has made a bunch of metal covers on youtube!
Brian Wherry unlocked his screams and is now able to scream over his music productions!
Desmond was able to do his first false cord scream within the FIRST HOUR
of working with me
Isak Can finally perform the 'emo' screams that he's always wanted!
Lauren took the program almost cried when she used it and finally unlocked her fry scream!
Ryan unlocked his scream and is now in a band and playing live shows!
Sam says his life was forever changed after learning to scream from my program!
Vih Broke his leg and used his downtime to work with me and learn how to scream!
Sereno looked up to vocalists like Dickie Allen, Will Ramos and Dan Watson. After working with me and learning to scream, he sounds just as brutal!
Aaron B. Already knew how to scream but after working with me, he knew how to control it a lot better!
Zane not only unlocked his scream and sounds badass, he also used it to improve his mental health and addiction struggles
Travis didn't know how to scream before but can now do ANY type of scream he wants
Watch Leo at the BEFORE the program compared to AFTER the program
Nathan knox couldn't scream before the program. Now he can!
Cosmin was skeptical about joining the program but has since learned to scream and add that distortion to his singing!
Anthony S. was starting a band and needed to learn how to scream fast. Now he can!
Sage wanted to learn scream and amuse herself at work. After working with me, now she can do it!
Jake is an Australian who couldn't figure out screaming for the life of him. After we unlocked it for him, now he's looking for a band!
Stavros really likes slipknot style vocals and dreamed he could do them. After a few short months of my instruction, now he can!
Ryder unlocked his arytenoid false cords and fry screams after enrolling in Scream Academy and now he's making covers!
Dylan had been surrounded by live bands all his life. But after we got his scream down, he is planning on doing guest vocals for a few bands!
Connor C. has always wanted to unlock his screams to make guttural and pig squeal noises. After working with me, he's accomplished his goals!
Tristan Unlocked his false cord screams with the help of Scream Academy!
Packdy always dreamed of screaming. After working with me, now he can!
Gregory used scream academy to unlock his false cord screams and now he consistently posts advice to the private facebook group!
Oliver originally thought that average guys like him couldn't scream. After he enrolled in Scream Academy, he not only unlocked his screams but now fronts a metal band!
Nick A. Always wanted to do shrieky fry screams. After a month of working with scream academy, he was finally able to do them!
Zack was in the military and wanted to learn a new skill - After enrolling in scream academy he's unlocked his screams and is as good as a pro!
Josh B. felt a strong calling to front a christian metal band but he didn't know how to scream. After working with me, he's unlocked his screams and can fulfil his purpose!
Enzo was only 15 years old and never knew how to scream but unlocked his fry scream with me within one week
Liam was only 13 years old but unlocked his scream after working with me
Chris R. wanted to make his band as professional and as legit as possible. This meant learning how to professionally scream. With my help, he was able to achieve that!
Adrien unlocked his scream with scream academy!
Chris H. took a bet with his friend that he would be able learn to fry scream. With my help, he was able to win!
Austin never knew how to scream but unlocked his screams within THREE WEEKS of my program.
Mathieu unlocked his new screams after only a month of working with me!

Ian W. gained confidence as he unlocked his screams with me!
Fiorella originally knew how to do false cord screams completely wrong but after working with me, I unlocked the correct way for her and now she sounds and feels better than ever!
Evan has always wanted to sound like his favorite hardcore bands. After unlocking his screams with me, now he can!

Jessica always had a lifelong dream of being able to scream. She unlocked her scream in a month working with me!
Alex Unlocked his screams in 3 months of working with me! Now he can record covers of his favourite Japanese bands!

Dan Whalen decided to take a leap of faith and train with me in hopes of unlocking his scream. 28 days later he's covering songs!
These are FAR from all of the success stories that have come from working with me. 
RIffshop @ 2019 - Scream Academy 2.0